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CFP – Xenoi: Hospitality and Xenophobia in the Graeco-Roman World (CUNY Classics Graduate Conference – 15 Mars 2019, New York City)

The PhD/MA Program in Classics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York invites graduate students in Classics and related fields to submit abstracts for papers that explore the topics of hospitality and xenophobia in the Graeco-Roman world.

Topics the papers might address include but are not limited to:

  • Xenia in Homeric and post-Homeric world
  • Literary and artistic representations of hospitality, supplication, xenophobia
  • Religious and political implications of hospitality and xenia
  • Philosophical conceptualization of the foreigner and the barbarian
  • Supplication and sanctuary spaces
  • Ethnicity and ethnic identity
  • Stories of ancient migrations and refugees
  • Modern reception of ancient stories of hospitality or xenophobia
  • Contemporary engagement with and political use of ancient concepts of hospitality and/or xenophobia

Please send an anonymous abstract of approximately 300 words as an email attachment by December 23, 2018. Submissions must include, in the body of the email, your name, university affiliation, and the title of the presentation. Speakers will have 15 minutes to present. Selected applicants will be notified by early January. Questions and abstracts will be received by the conference co-chairs Elizabeth Mellen and Alessandra Migliara at

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Projet HospitAm (8 janvier 2019). CFP – Xenoi: Hospitality and Xenophobia in the Graeco-Roman World (CUNY Classics Graduate Conference – 15 Mars 2019, New York City). HospitAm. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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