Cristina Corsi (Università di Cassino – Résidente de l’IMéRA)
Roads have always been addressed as formidable channels through which people, goods, news, ideas and cultures are transferred, and they indeed constitute the ‘circulatory system’ of entities such as regions, states, continents. They are means through which social, economic and cultural patterns are conveyed, and languages, traditions, religions, habits, fashions, musical practices and material culture are transmitted.
Archaeological methodologies for their investigation have been refining to the point that a specific branch of studies, called Archaeology of Roads, has developed. Contributions from Landscape Archaeology, Geography, History, Literature and Art History concurred to investigate communication networks in our past.
More recently, the international panorama has further developed with important inputs from Anthropology, Cognitive Psychology and Environmental Studies. A new theoretical framework for the study of roads brought to the concept of Landscape of movement.
However, research has been uneven depending on geographical areas and traditions of studies. In this way, despite the universality of these concepts, some scholars have been working in isolation, with rare cross-fertilisation of new insights and original approaches.
The aim of this meeting is therefore to compare very different approaches to the study of communication networks in the past.
The final goal is to create the ground for an international debate that will reinforce interdisciplinary interaction and will hopefully give rise to a new, more global approach to the study of Landscape of Movements.
2 juin 2016 – Fondation IMéRA, 2, Place Le Verrier 13004 Marseille-France, Salle de Séminaire, Nouveau Bâtiment
9.00 – 9. 10
Welcome by M. Nicolas Faucherre (LA3M) and by IMéRA directors
9.10 -9.30
Cristina Corsi (IMéRA-LabexMed, LA3M; University of Cassino, Department of Humanities)
Introduction to the workshop
9.30 – 10.05
Ray Laurence (University of Kent, Department of Classical and Archaeolgical Studies)
Movement in the Roman Empire: Theory and spatial practice
10.05 – 10.40
Elisabetta De Minicis (University of Tuscia, DISTU)
Archéologie des routes: application d’une méthodologie. Des études de cas
10.40 – 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 – 11.35
Eleonora Destefanis (University of Eastern Piedmont; Projet HospitAM)
Les structures d’accueil et leurs enjeux spatiaux dans le “paysage routier” entre Antiquité tardive et haut Moyen Âge
11.35 – 12.10
Christine Gadrat (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, LA3M, MMSH)
La perception des paysages orientaux dans les récits de voyages médiévaux
12.10 – 12.45
Noel Salazar (KU Leuven, Cultural Mobilities Research – CuMoRe)
Travel as a means or an end? Some anthropological notes and queries
12.45-14.00 Lunch break
14.00 – 14.35
Rowin J van Lanen (Utrecht University, Department of Physical Geography; Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands)
Finding lost and forgotten routes: modelling and quantifying route-network stability in dynamic lowlands
14.35 – 15.10
Giacomo Landeschi (Lund University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History)
Sight, movement and ancient urban space: towards a 3D GIS-based turn?
15.10 – 15.45
Frédéric Audard (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, UMR 7300 ESPACE)
Les méthodologies et les stratégies de modélisation pour les réseaux de circulation et de communication
15.45 – 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 – 16.35
Samuel Carpentier Postel (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, UMR 7300 ESPACE)
Spatial cognition, urban forms and mobility: toward a comprehensive approach of spatial behavior in urban areas
16.35 – 17.10
Hendrik Sturm (Ecole supérieure d’art et de design Toulon)
Promenade dans le bois
17.10 – 18.00
Final discussion and closing remarks
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Projet HospitAm (5 avril 2016). Atelier – Landscape perception and unknown environments exploration. New perspectives into Classical and Medieval journey / La perception du paysage et l’exploration des environnements inconnus. Nouvelles perspectives sur le voyage dans l’Antiquité et le Moyen Âge (Marseille – IMéRA, 02/06/2016). HospitAm. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse