Konstantin Klein (Otto Friedrich Universität Bamberg)
Just as many hagiographical writers before him, Cyril of Scythopolis (fl. mid-fifth century) recorded a considerable number of seemingly stereotypical and repetitive admonitions allegedly uttered by the protagonists of his Vitae, namely that future generations of monks should continue their deeds in the pious field of hospitality: hosting the poor (as well as the rich) and never closing the doors of the monasteries to strangers. Often integrated in the monastic fathers’ deathbed speeches, these testament-like admonitions turned into moral obligations just as well as into a justification for the monasteries’ activities in the political and social sphere. This paper aims to cast a close look upon hospitality as an admonition, an obligation, and a method to gain influence in an age of Christological controversy following the Council of Chalcedon in 451. It will become clear that rivalling monasteries entered into a ‘real’ competition in which the virtue of hospitality served as a powerful tool to gain influence – as well as into a literary competition in which the acts of hospitalities worked as just one more metaphor for the fame and renown of ascetics, abbots, and monks.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Konstantin Klein (12 octobre 2016). Keep the door open: hospitality as an obligation in an age of Christological controversy. HospitAm. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/pp6k
Les participants se sont penchés sur la communication de Konstantin Klein pour considérer l’aspect économique du pèlerinage, identifié à une véritable forme de tourisme. Les sources mentionnent ainsi des guides maîtrisant diverses langues pour accompagner les pèlerins. Néanmoins, l’idée que les pèlerins contribuaient à importer d’importantes sommes d’argent n’est pas confirmée. Konstantin Klein rappelle à cet égard que la générosité était individuelle et dépendait de chaque pèlerin.