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L’économie de l’hospitalité et de l’accueil : compte rendu du séminaire HosperAnt 3


Compte rendu du séminaire HosperAnt L’économie de l’hospitalité et de l’accueil (26 mars 2018, ENS de Lyon)

Mélanie Joffrain (ENS, M2 Mondes anciens LLCA)

La journée d’étude qui s’est déroulée le 26 mars 2018 à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon dans le cadre du cycle de séminaires HospeRAnt (Hospitalité et régulation sociale dans l’Antiquité méditerranéenne) s’est concentrée sur la facette économique des pratiques de l’hospitalité et de l’accueil. Dans une approche pluridisciplinaire et dans une perspective diachronique, Claire Fauchon-Claudon et Marie-Adeline Le Guennec avaient convié Sylvain Destephen à parler de l’économie des pratiques de l’hospitalité appliquée au monde romain antique. Marie-Adeline Le Guennec a ensuite réalisé une conférence sur les modalités économiques qui structurent l’activité mercantile de l’aubergiste dans le monde romain.

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Topographical issues in the Itinerarium Egeriae : An essay on the modalities of travel in the fourth century AD

Cristina Corsi (Università di Cassino)

Since the relatively recent discovery of the parchment reporting the incomplete narrative of a journey undertaken to the Holy Land, the text of the so-called Itinerarium Egeriae (formerly known as Peregrinatio Aetheriae) has attracted an amazing attention from scholars. Actually, the parchment, written at Montecassino and dated to the eleventh century, was found only at the end of the nineteenth century by Gian Francesco Gamurrini in the library of the Confraternita dei Laici in Arezzo.

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Institutional hospitality and occasional hosting in Christian society between the fourth and sixth centuries: From individual initiative to assistance as mission

Cristina Corsi (Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale)

Table de Peutinger (c)Mestni muzej Ljubljana - City museum of Ljubljane
Table de Peutinger (c)Mestni muzej Ljubljana – City museum of Ljubljane

Mainly thanks to the testimony of the so-called ‘Pilgrim of Bordeaux’, we know that in the mid-fourth century the Imperial communication network that spread from Western Europe to the Near East was perfectly efficient, and that Roman citizens relied upon this amazing infrastructure even when they travelled for private purposes or undertook a pilgrimage journey.

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Atelier – Landscape perception and unknown environments exploration. New perspectives into Classical and Medieval journey / La perception du paysage et l’exploration des environnements inconnus. Nouvelles perspectives sur le voyage dans l’Antiquité et le Moyen Âge (Marseille – IMéRA, 02/06/2016)

Cristina Corsi (Università di Cassino – Résidente de l’IMéRA)

Cr. Huelsen, La Pianta di Roma dell'Anonimo Einsidlense, 1907 (c) domaine public
Cr. Huelsen, La Pianta di Roma dell’Anonimo Einsidlense, 1907 (c) domaine public

Roads have always been addressed as formidable channels through which people, goods, news, ideas and cultures are transferred, and they indeed constitute the ‘circulatory system’ of entities such as regions, states, continents. They are means through which social, economic and cultural patterns are conveyed, and languages, traditions, religions, habits, fashions, musical practices and material culture are transmitted.

Continuer la lecture de « Atelier – Landscape perception and unknown environments exploration. New perspectives into Classical and Medieval journey / La perception du paysage et l’exploration des environnements inconnus. Nouvelles perspectives sur le voyage dans l’Antiquité et le Moyen Âge (Marseille – IMéRA, 02/06/2016) »